Thursday 29 August 2013

2 Exciting Programs That Put Extra Money in Your Pockets......


My Name is Yinka Ogunleye. One of my greatest hobbies is making some money by the side. As many of you might have known I have my 9-5 day job and over the years I have invested time and money in researching various online programs where you can invest and make some money.

One of the things I have been doing lately is taking opportunities of making money on the internet. It’s real, it’s good and I welcome you to join the train. Let me flag the caveat earlier on and the tell you the following quickly;
  • My first rule is that you must be willing to put yourself through the program. It takes patience, time investments in studies and research, keeping close contacts with a community of Netpreneurs (internet entrepreneurs) and working your way to “do the work”.
  • There are lots of junks sold and marketed on the internet. You have to be careful and sure of what you’re putting your investment in. (I guess that is where I come
  •  Let nobody deceive you, there is no hard and fast rule to making money anywhere. There is just an intelligent and innovative way. You still have to do the work.
  •  Please exit the program if you’re not interested. A great undoing is to put yourself through what you don’t believe in.
 I am going to start off by inviting you to TWO rewarding programs.

The first one is called NETCONTACTS.  This is simply an ecommerce portal that promises to help people achieve the dreams, ranging from funding a business, payment of tuition and school fees, buy a car, travel overseas, get married and own a house.

What really excites me about NETCONTACTS is the simplicity, transparency and ease. 
  1. All monies are paid directly into your account, so no frills, no wait and no wahala. 
  2. You can discontinue when you want, start again when you want.
  3. All you need to do is start this with N1,500, which will be paid directly into my account and I'll activate you. You will then do same, get as many streams of N1,500from your list of invitees, as many that get on the scheme...that's all....well for starters…read more on
Let's empower ourselves financially! Make 1.5milion Naira by inviting 1000 person to join Netcontacts ...go online now to register @ ( ) with invitation code 1195239342. Call me on 08033008756, if you need further clarifications, but do read the instructions and information on first.

The second one is called …………..(forgive me for the suspense, you will find out why soon).  Here I will walk you through series of simple steps. Let me just say ahead of time that you will need to arm yourself with the following; a blog-site or website(Google & Wordpress offers a  free blog, you could also create and host your website ), you also need to have a paypal account.

So my assignment to you is to go create these ahead of time. Watch this space for the second bumper package in the next 24hrs

Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Days of Abundance

I’m about to open a controversial multipart series. Let me say ahead that I welcome contributions to this piece in terms of challenging my assumptions and suppositions.
I acknowledge notions that have painted the opposite picture in terms of abundance in the world. I was fascinated by the works of Jeremy Grantham in his article The Days of Abundant Resources Are over Forever. A very well researched piece, I must say; and some summation I gleaned from “traddersnarrive” on the piece is that;
§  The rise in population, the ten-fold increase in wealth in developed countries, and the current explosive growth in developing countries have eaten rapidly into our finite resources of hydrocarbons and metals, fertilizer, available land, and water.
§  The problems of compounding growth in the face of finite resources are not easily understood by optimistic, short-term-oriented, and relatively innumerate humans (especially the political variety).
§  Statistically, most commodities are now so far away from their former downward trend that it makes it very probable that the old trend has changed – that there is in fact a Paradigm Shift – perhaps the most important economic event since the Industrial Revolution.
If you live in the parts of the third world, you’ll also have observed some of the following; the spate of insecurity, kidnap, rape, robbery and terrorist threats are at an all-time high, the low quality of life and health care, food and shelter, kids are more on the streets in the suburbs than in schools, increase in drug use – cocaine, marijuana, cannabis and lots of hard drug concoctions especially in bus parks and dark alleys and lists goes on and on
Herein comes the irony............
There has never been a time that the earth has been this blessed with such abundance as can be obtainable today. We have more food, more natural resources, more money making avenues and much more opportunities. With the discovery of Shale Oil, America is poised to be the second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia. America today produces probably much more food than it requires. According to a study by Jonathan Bloom, America squanders between a quarter to a half of all the food they produce. Even by the conservative estimate, that adds up to more than 160 billion dollars per year. China is fast becoming one of the largest net-exporter of Agric produce, from aquatic foods, shrimps to buffalo milk and fruits like apples etc. The phenomenal feat of countries like Israel, Egypt, Libya, United Arab Emirates etc. in sustaining food production with fewer “farmable” lands are astounding. I am intrigued by the gravitation of some states (Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Kwara, Nasarawa etc) in Nigeria in the lines of investments in agriculture. Yet there are places in Africa and third world countries ravaged with famine.
There has never been a time to live longer than today, contrasting the falling average life span. There have been incredible advances in health care, medicine and pharmaceutical industries. We are witnessing astonishing breakthrough in diseases control, cure (or “nearer there”) for debilitating diseases; Aids, cancer, hepatitis and the lot have been tackled valiantly and today people have the opportunities to live longer. We have drugs that can keep even genetically transmitted diseases under check, and you live a normal life.
We are having newer means of travelling on land, sea and air. In 2013 China may launch a new mass transit vehicle that is a blend or train/bus. These will travel on the currently existing highway and will be able to transport hundreds of people all at once. There are advances in technology to develop amphibious vehicles that will facilitate travels under water. In 2011, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group, embarked on a project to get to the deepest part of the sea.
Virgin Oceanic announced plans to take a solo piloted submarine to the deepest points in each of the world's five oceans – the first time such a feat has ever been attempted and was successful. Virgin has also built Necker Nymph, an amphibious vehicle that can travel underwater to depths 130 feet below the ocean's surface, and can carry one pilot and two passengers. You’ll wonder what discoveries and opportunities will be made and created when much more frequent traversing of the underwater space is embarked by almost everyone.
Very soon going to Mars will not just be restricted to what you watch on sci-fi films on TV. In 2008, Google and Virgin Group announced the launch of VIRGLE INC., a jointly owned and operated venture dedicated to the establishment of a human settlement on Mars. Wondered what the resources on Planet Mars are and how we will soon be able to harness them
The internet has been remarkable in redefining the way we live, work, study and obtains degrees, share knowledge, buy and sell, and access almost resource. We attest to the fact that billionaires globally had leveraged one way or the other on the internet to make and continue to sustain their wealth. With smart phones, tablets and PDA devices, we are currently experiencing a quantum shift in the way we live, work, transact business, have access to information and I dare add, prosper. From Mark Zukerberg(Facebook), Larry Page and Sergey Brin(Google); Billionaire “Netprenuers” to the Seun Osewa(Nairaland), Uche Eze(Bella Niaja) and Linda Ikeji; fast rising Nigerian young millionaire “Netprenuers”, we see a huge shift in the span of time to create new market space and become wealthy.
Yet the lingering questions for me are these; In a world of such abundance, why are we still lacking? Why do we have poverty still ravaging some parts of the earth? Why do we have people living on less than a dollar a day? Why are we still struggling for peace and prosperity on the earth? Why do we have such huge gap between the opportunities that abound and our access to them?
 These are many more questions I intend to x-ray in Iremide in the coming weeks. I crave we join this discourse. Who knows! We may jointly lower the gap. We may put a man on Mars much faster than we think. We may end up doing unimaginable lofty things when we open our minds to it.

Monday 26 November 2012

Wildly Important

Have you wondered how tough it is to deal with daily tasks and challenges? Have you woken up on days when you rue the “mess” you have to go through? From starting your family out, to hitting the chaotic traffic, a pile load of office work you’ll have to deal with, tight schedules, meetings, deadlines, invoices, vouchers and payments, presentations, project and works… and the list goes on and on.

I have always wondered what special things are common to successful entrepreneurs, managers, technocrats, artisans, businessmen, family men and mentors.   I guess I have found one of them….

We were preparing for our corporate strategy workshop last year. My boss commissioned a research assignment on one of the strategies we were looking into. Nutshell is that the research work led me to a principle I guess I discovered by happenstance. This principle has become a mantra, an ethos and an orientation for me.

Trust me. My productivity has doubled or tripled. I have been able to handle voluminous tasks with some higher level of efficiency and met most deadlines. I have turned out quality outputs.  My wife and I have applied it to our lives, in beautifying our new house, in managing our finances and much more in our aggressive saving culture.

One of the principles of success is to focus on the Wildly Important Goal (WIG). It means; that goal without which any other goal is meaningless. It’s as simple as that. I learnt this from Franklin Covey’s 4 Disciplines of Execution. 

Your WIG could be anything, starting a new business, weight loss, earning a degree, saving a defined amount, building a house, achieving a deliverable, learning a skill or passing an exam. It is important you sieve that WIG out of all the myriad of goals, task, and wishes you have. It is more important than many of your good goals. It is your great goal. Jim Collins said “the enemy of the great is the good”. It is a great goal that without it, all your good goals are meaningless.

I wake up on many days and quickly determine my WIG for the day. My WIG this morning was to facilitate a meeting of engineers to finalize our short, mid-term and long term production targets. I got to work and that was what I prepared for. That was all that matters and every other thing was secondary………

My wife and I had purposed that our income in the last two months of the year will be geared towards beautifying the house. We had come up with a list. As soon as money started coming in, straight it went into the “list”.

I know you are trying to achieve your dream. Your WIG draws you closer to it.

Monday 15 October 2012

How I got here

I have always found it intruiging that there are myriads of ways to express one's feelings and thoughts. It seems I have tarried a while to find a suitable medium. I've thought of a Super-dooper platform, I have thought of engaging the best developers and I have wondered what will be good enough.

Alas, I have seen the problem lies not in all I have mentioned, but in me. I have not taken the gauntlet. I have tarried and procastinated a long time. I probably have taken my eye off the mark.

This time, like the words of Majek Fashek's in his song - I am bia........